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爱心没有国界 真情就在身边


发表于 2019-12-21 17:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2019年12月20日午后,在数名留学生的见证下,南充市金彩虹公益协会代表将5000元捐款交到了国际学生Muhammed Shafeeq MBBS的家人手中。

“在医院临床患者急需Fya阴性血液的时候,是印度和非洲多国的留学生一批批的来到血站挽袖献血。” 金彩虹负责人说道,“如今印度留学生家庭遭遇困境,我们代表金彩虹协会,代表金丝猴献血志愿者,表达我们的问候和心意。”

日前,某高校国际学生Muhammed Shafeeq MBBS 遭遇意外,他的家人伤心欲绝。他是一个热心善良,真诚友爱的人,是远在万里之外父母心中最深的牵挂,是一家人改善生活过上好日子的希望。他的家庭本来贫困,父母体弱,弟妹年幼,平时学费也靠政府贷款。这个家庭遇到的困难,引起了多方关注。

金彩虹国际部将此事报告了协会,协会旋即召开紧急会议,对留学生群体给南充无偿献血事业的积极支持予以肯定,对留学生个体及家庭遇到的困难表示同情,并决定由协会派出代表前往慰问,Muhammed Shafeeq MBBS的家人对此连连表示谢意。



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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-21 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-21 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-21 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-21 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
Love without borders and true feelings around us
——Golden Rainbow's love donation across national boundaries
In the afternoon of December 20, 2019, under the witness of several international students, the representative of Nanchong Golden Rainbow Public Welfare Association handed over 5000 yuan to the family of Muhammed shafeeq MBBS, an international student.
"When the clinical patients in the hospital are in urgent need of FYA negative blood, it's a batch of overseas students from India and Africa who come to the blood station to donate blood with sleeves." "Now that Indian students' families are in trouble, we express our greetings and Thoughts on behalf of the Golden Rainbow Association and the golden monkey blood donation volunteers," said the head of golden rainbow
Recently, Muhammad shafeeq MBBS, an international student of a university, suffered an accident. His family was heartbroken. He is a warm-hearted, sincere and friendly person. He is the deepest concern of his parents far away, and the hope of his family to improve their lives. His family was poor, his parents were frail, his younger siblings were young, and his tuition was financed by the government. The difficulties encountered by the family have attracted much attention.
Rainbow International reported this to the association. The association immediately held an emergency meeting to affirm the positive support of overseas students to Nanchong's free blood donation, to express sympathy for the difficulties encountered by the individual and family of overseas students, and decided to send a representative to express sympathy. The family of Mohammed shafeeq MBBS expressed their gratitude for this.
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