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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-22 16:06 | 显示全部楼层

Durant son séjour à Moupin, la passion de David pour les oiseaux trouva là de quoi se satisfaire.


Cette passion d’observer la nature se double d'une passion pour la chasse.


Il sollicite aussi les chasseurs de la région pour aller tirer les animaux dans les zones les moins accessibles et comme il paye un bon prix, les dépouilles sont abondantes. image.png

 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-22 16:06 | 显示全部楼层


De cette région du Tibet oriental (actuel Sichuan), le père David a envoyé au Muséum 676 spécimens de plantes, 441 d'oiseaux, 145 de mammifères. image.png

 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-22 16:06 | 显示全部楼层


Le 22 novembre 1869, il quitte « le pays des Mantze, après y avoir souffert plus de fatigues, de peines, de privations et de maladies, qu’il n’est opportun de le dire ici ».


De retour à Chengdu dans la résidence de Monseigneur Pinchon, il ne peut « résister à la tentation de faire une rapide excursion vers le Kokonoor, avant de laisser pour jamais ces pays ».

从这个通往青海高原的小岔路口龙安府(1869年12月- 1870年3月),他带来了另一个重大发现:中国巨型蝾螈娃娃鱼(Andrias davidianus)。

De ce petit crochet en direction des plateaux du Qinghai (décembre 1869 - mars 1870), il rapportera encore une découverte majeure : la salamandre géante chinoise (Andrias davidianus).


Fin mars 1870, le voilà de retour à Chengdu où il séjournera environ un mois « pour mettre ordre à [ses] collections, et pour acquérir aussi plusieurs nouveautés.

1870年6月18日,他从成都经由长江返回上海。 image.png

 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-22 16:06 | 显示全部楼层

» Il rentre à Shanghai via le Fleuve Bleu où il arrive le 18 juin 1870.

1870年7月,阿曼德大卫在上海登上以拿破仑三世的妻子拿破仑三世(1808–1873)的妻子欧仁尼皇后(Empress Eugénie)(18261920)imperatrie - eugenie的名字命名的欧仁尼皇后号邮轮返回法国。这艘船在拿破仑三世普法战争战败后,欧仁妮皇后号邮轮被命名为大西洋号邮轮

David rentre alors en France en embarquant à bord de l’Impératrice-Eugénie, en juillet 1870.


Après 45 jours de traversée, il arrive à Marseille fin août 1870.


Il rejoint Paris le 20 juin 1871 et il alla rapidement au Muséum.我很高兴地得知,即使是落在植物园的80枚普鲁士炮弹,

J'eus la satisfaction d'apprendre que ni les 80 obus prussiens qui étaient tombés au jardin des Plantes,


ni le pétrole des Communeux,


n'avaient fait un trop grand mal aux riches collections de notre établissement scientifique et que,


en particulier,


les objets provenant de mes envois étaient tous sains et saufs.»

J'eus la satisfaction d'apprendre que ni les 80 obus prussiens qui étaient tombés au jardin des Plantes,

ni le pétrole des Communeux, n'avaient fait un trop grand mal aux riches collections de notre établissement scientifique et que, en particulier,

les objets provenant de mes envois étaient tous sains et saufs.»

1865 - 1895年

1865 – 1895


Also known as Atlantique and Amerique


With the increasing rate of emigrants in the later half of the 19th century, many shipping companies were born.

The British库纳德的一生中,since The Line勘探者1840s几种now, and American companies also came to life。

The British Cunard Line had been established since the 1840s, and now several American companies also came to life.

衬套夸张such as the waves Cunard’s pioneer Britannia新来的。

Magnificent liners such as Cunard’s pioneer Britannia ruled the waves.

One of the most尊重你们的飞船工程师们整天—and other kind of as well for that matter工程师—was the经委会Isambard Kingdom Brunel)。

One of the most respected ship engineers – and every other kind of engineer as well for that matter – was the Briton Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

He created ships well ahead of their time with marvels such as Great Western and Great Britain.

The most spectacular of his ocean liners was the enormous recordbreaker Great Eastern who emerged in 1860.


She outmatched the second largest ship six-fold in size and the ship’s space and luxury were beyond measuring for the time.

One of the shipping 1850年之后companies that came to life was the French)在1861年通用公司跨大西洋who评判员business in。

One of the shipping companies that came to life after 1850 was the French Compagnie Générale Transatlantique who started business in 1861.


The company’s first vessel, the Lousiane went out on her maiden voyage in 1862, on what was C.G.T.’s first Atlantic crossing.

这开始了公司generale transtalantique的辉煌历史,将持续到20世纪末。

This started the Compagnie Générale Transtalantique’s glorious history that would last into the end of the 20th century.

The Lousiane勘探者built in Scotland格林诺克、行李寄存您years cfdt—The French黄金线—felt it was time to start to build ocean their own in their own country衬垫。

The Lousiane had been built in Greenock, Scotland and after some years C.G.T. – or the French Line – felt it was time to start to build their own ocean liners in their own country.

1862年,法国航运公司从圣纳泽尔penhoet的Chantiers de l ' Atlantique造船厂订购了一艘名为“大西洋”的新船。

In 1862 the French Line ordered a new vessel called Atlantique from the Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard in Penhoët, St. Nazaire.

The French still可信their British shipbuilding纪念意义,and The project was under The监督of John Scott & Co .,格拉斯哥。

The French still trusted their British shipbuilding companions, and the project was under the supervision of John Scott & Co., Glasgow.


The Atlantique’s keel was laid on October 15 that year.

About姑娘从下午准备”(the ship was for her启动,under a different nom)。

About eighteen months later the ship was ready for her launching, but under a different name.

它已经改变到imperatrice eugenie皇号和这个法国奇迹的标题是第一艘在法国建造的法国跨大西洋班轮,它花费了惊人的200万法郎建造,这是唯一的船体。
L'impératrice Eugénie (1826-1920)拿破仑三世(1808–1873)的妻子欧仁尼皇后(Empress Eugénie)(18261920)
It had been changed to Impératrice Éugenie and this French marvel with the title of being the first French trans-Atlantic liner to be built in France had cost an astonishing two million francs to construct, and that was the hull only.

这是一艘英国船的价格的两倍多,但是法国的航线是安全的,皇后eugenie etait配备了厚的一英寸船体板。

That was more than double the price of a British ship of the period, but the French Line had aimed on safety and the Impératrice Éugenie was equipped with thick one-inch hull plates.

The 1860s was a期,当飞机引擎制作的衬垫by and other船只”的酒店里converted from The常规桨wheel more to The propeller高效。

The 1860s was a period when liners powered by engines and other ships were being converted from the conventional paddle wheel to the more efficient propeller.

儿子,the女皇Éugenie飞机引擎制作的将军geared to two giant桨的车轮。

However, the Impératrice Éugenie was powered by engines geared to two giant paddle wheels.


Each of the two had a diameter of nearly forty feet and together they were able to push the ship to a service speed of 11 knots.


On February 16, 1865, the engines proved worthy when they served the Impératrice Éugenie on her maiden voyage between St. Nazaire and Vera Cruz in Mexico.
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