
校外培训 高考 中考 择校 房产税 贸易战
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发表于 2015-1-21 11:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A fashionableyoung woman in socks, platform sandals and a mini-skirt tosses a waterfall ofstraight dark hair over her shoulder and eyes up an 850 golden handbagin the shape of an apple, sitting alone in a perspex cabinet.
  一位脚穿厚底凉鞋和短袜、身着迷你短裙的摩登女郎,甩动一头乌黑垂顺的、瀑布般披在肩上的长发,正注视着玻璃橱柜中一个价值850英镑的苹果形状的手提包。 Nearby, amiddle-aged woman with a bored, silent husband, stares at a 2,000 Celine handbag, intermittently snapping pictures of theobject of her desire on her iPhone.
  在年轻女郎附近有一位中年妇女,在沉默而厌烦的丈夫的陪伴之下,正盯视着一个价值两千英镑的名牌塞琳女包,她时不时的拿出苹果手机偷拍这一心爱之物。 The distinctive strains of Mandarin chatter fill the air as animmaculate woman clad all in black wafts past in a cloud of scent, trying toconvince a young couple of the merits of the latest designer perfume.
  空气中充满了用普通话聊天的嘈杂声响,一位一身黑的女士穿过人群,给香水气味氤氲的烟云送来一丝清风,她正在向一对年轻夫妻介绍一瓶最新款名牌香水的价值所在。 Meanwhile, a man hands over his credit card to a female shopassistant, who clutches it carefully between both hands as if holding a gift,lowers her head reverentially and makes an elaborate show of averting her eyesout of respect.
 It could be anordinary day on any luxury shopping street in Shanghai — but this is the heartof London’s West End.
And the Chinese signs, Mandarin-speaking shop assistants and extra deliveriesof sought-after designer goods — in especially small sizes — are all part ofmaking the high-spending visitors who have travelled here this week from Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou feel at home.
  中文标识牌、说普通话的销售员和应顾客要求进行的额外调货——中国顾客的尺码比较小——所有这一切都让那些乘着一周假期,从北京、上海、广州不远而来的高消费顾客感觉宾至如归。 Wave upon wave of Chinese visitors, in small groups and coachparties, alone and in pairs, pack the pavements and malls.
They are surprisingly young and rich. And they are here to splash their cash.
The reason for this sudden influx is that it’s Golden Week in China, aweek-long holiday that kicked off with National Day on October 1 — the day thePeople’s Republic was founded in 1949.
  这一突如其来的购物狂潮的形成原因是中国的度假黄金周,即从十月一日的国庆节开始的一周休假——中华人民共和国是在1949101日成立的。 It’s the time when the country’s wealthiest and most adventuroushop on long-haul flights and come to London. Top of their shopping lists areluxury goods — the handbags, shoes, watches and expensive knick-knacks which,because of stringent Chinese taxes, are about 30 per cent more expensive backhome.
No wonder British retailers leap with excitement. Quite simply, the Chinesespend unbelievable amounts of money; an average of
8,000 each onshopping alone, according to one recent survey.



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