四川绵阳市安县(安州区)乐兴镇赵先森红心猕猴桃种植基地合作社。赵先森红心猕猴基地位于乐兴红心猕猴桃种植发源山地新光村7组中心(北纬31°33'33.6"N东经104°26'20.5"E),合作社种植面积600余亩(七大姑八大姨每家每户),产量达200万余斤,保证成熟期满139天,糖份达8.1以上(政府合作社强制执行),每日供货量可达10-20吨,部分出口远销欧盟、美国、新加坡、日本等10多个国家和地区。欢迎自驾游人士来品玩,代理商、水果公司采购合作,欢迎天使、VC、PE投资四川安县种植业发展。位临者可享有传统农家休闲民宿,品味自家原生态纯粮食鸡鸭鱼和果蔬。该基地距离AAAA罗浮山温泉景区(是我国目前唯一经过国家医疗卫生部门鉴定的医疗地热矿泉水)距离10分钟,绵阳40分钟,成都100分钟车程。区域气候条件巴适,水量充沛(雨一直下,空气水分融洽),无旱涝(乐兴镇主流供水河道围绕基地),区域内无工矿企业,确保了空气,水源无污染,无重金属超标现象;产地环境条件,土壤条件,水质条件均达到生产绿色食品的要求。 采购价格:根据体形5-12元每斤 咨询热线:1588376729817740137982
ZhaoXianSenRed Heart Kiwifruit Planting Base Cooperative of Lexing Town, AnxianCounty, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province. ZhaoXianSen Red HeartMacaque Base is located in the 7th group of Xinguang Village, thebirthplace of Lexing Red Heart Kiwifruit Planting industry (31°33'33.6"N 104°26'20.5"E). The cooperative plantingarea is more than 600 mu ( Many relatives Each holding), the outputreached 2 million kilograms,guaranteed maturity period of 139 days, sugar content of 8.1 or more(government enforcement, so as not to damage the Lexing Townkiwifruit signboard), daily supply can reach 10-20 tons, welcomeSelf-driving tourists come to my land, Dealer and fruit company cameto purchase, welcome angel investor, VC, PE investment Sichuan Anxianplanting industry development .the people who enjoy the traditional farmhouse leisure homes, tastetheir own original pure food, Fruits and vegetables. The base is 10minutes away from AAAA Luofu Mountain Hot Spring Spot (the onlymedical geothermal mineral water identified by the national medicaland health department in China), 40 minutes from Mianyang and 100minutes from Chengdu. The regional climatic conditions are suitable,the water is abundant , there is no drought, and there are noindustrial in the area, ensuring that the air and water sources arefree from pollution and no heavy metals exceed the standard. Theenvironmental conditions, soil conditions and water qualityconditions of the production area meet the requirements for theproduction of green food. Purchaseprice: 10-24RMB Per kg(accordingto the size)
Contactnumber: 15883767298 17740137982