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赵崇德: ZD画摄影,一种充满想象力的艺术 [复制链接]

2020-05-07 14:35

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Zhao Chongde, born in March 1951. He is currently a member of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association, the Sichuan Photographers Association, the National Zodiac Philatelic Research Association, the Standing Committee of the Work Committee of the Descendants of the Huangpu Military Academy of Sichuan Province, and the director of the Senior Branch of the Mianyang Photographers Association. He has participated in domestic and international photography competitions and exhibitions many times, and his works have been awarded or collected by relevant parties.
落座待茶  摄于成都府南河水面
Sitting and Waiting for Tea

Hundreds of his works and papers have been published in "China Photography News", "People's Photography", “Modern Art”, and other newspapers and periodicals. His artistic methods are praised by "Modern Art" and industry insiders as "Weird Photography", 16 of the works participated and aroused great repercussions by the unique style during the second Biennale of Lang Jingshan Cup New Artistic Photography exhibition.
古代仕女  摄于海南香水湾海面
Ancient Ladies  

Zhao Chongde dabbled in photography in the mid-1970s. In 2010, on the basis of learning and inheriting the pioneers of photography, Liu Bannong and Lang Jingshan's freehand photography art, and Picasso's painting style, he combined photography, painting and Kistler appreciation art together to began innovating visual art "ZD (Photo Painting) Creative Photography". During the ten year, he created nearly 1,000 ZD paintings and wrote more than ten thousand words on related articles, and was invited to communicate on lectures in different places.
川剧变脸  摄于成都府南河河面
Sichuan Opera of Changing Face

ZD painting photography creation inherits the freehand photography proposed by the pioneer of Chinese photography Liu Bannong, which requires a moderate "blur", flexibly use the artistic skills of "perspective blur" and "art blur", and uses the reflections, shadows, aquatic life, and reefs in the water. Capture the conceptual images presented by the author's mind and eyes, obtain images that are completely different from the original s
豆寇年华  摄于香水湾海面
The Year of the Bean

In the post-production of ZD painting photography, they appreciate the artistic vision of Kistler, choose patterns, and obtain new pictures by cutting, coloring, and moderately blurring. All works are cut out according to the needs, and the theme is explored according to the picture, then, the name of the work is determined.
版纳恋歌  摄于景洪曼听公园湖面
Banna Love Song

The whole creation process integrates photography, painting, and Kistler art, which is a cross-border creative art attempt. All the pictures are ephemeral, unique in the world, and cannot be re-photographed. The changing of all moments into eternal pictures have their own characteristics, not only rich in the characteristics of Chinese freehand painting, but also with the style of Western Impressionism, and presents the flavor of different decorative paintings at home and abroad.
诗仙李白  摄于三亚大东海海
Poetry Fairy Li Bai

The works were created in the ten years from 2011 to 2019. In addition to being photographed on the sea surface of Hainan such as Sanya and Lingshui, part of the work was taken on the surface of rivers and lakes in Panzhihua, Chengdu, Dujiangyan, Xishuangbanna and other places.
老当益壮  摄于大东海海面
Old But Strong
版纳风情  摄于景洪曼听公园湖面
Banna Style  
风度翩翩  摄于景洪孔雀湖湖面
Personable and Polite   
144723ht85zmso5pr5t5mp.jpg 姊妹游园  摄于攀枝花竹湖湖面
The Sisters Stroll the Park
侧卧赏景  摄于大东海海面
Relax and Enjoy the Scenery   
老太聊天  摄于成都府南河河面
Chat With the Old Lady
窈窕淑女  摄于三亚大东海海面
The Slender Lady      
水岸观鱼  摄于西双版纳曼听公园水面  
Viewing Fish at Waterfront



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发表于 2020-5-7 17:03

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