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水绘丽人——赵崇德的不可再生 无法复拍的ZD画摄影作品 [复制链接]

2020-07-13 11:23

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“ZD画摄影”创作出的作品,无论从其图象还是内涵,都是带画意性的。某种意义上来讲,是作者在用相机作画。作品风格从写意的角度来说,它与刘半农、郎静山、陈复礼等摄影大师的写意摄影一脉相承,但它与大师们的作品又所不相同。大师们拍摄的被摄景物,一般都还保留在画面,主题大多未变,其意境较原场景更深更美,更富有诗情画意。而ZD画摄影则不然,它多是借助处于动态的水面或作者的主观意念,变形使用被摄对象,即变被摄对象为构思新图的色块与线条,从而产生出脱离原摄对象的新主题图象。如本组《水绘丽人》画面,都是通过变形使用江河湖海溪水中的阴影、倒影、水生物,借助光的作用等手法创作出来的。   由于被摄对象不同,图形变化各异,拍摄时间及光线有别,每按一次快门,作者获得的图形都各不相同,这就使得ZD画作品具有唯一性,即是说这世间唯一的场景是绝无仅有,不可再生,无法复拍到的。这每一幅变瞬间为永恒的的"ZD画"作品,自然也就富有了极大的珍藏性。在我十年的拍摄中,从来没有见到一幅图象相同的照片,即使是采用连拍,得到的也是画面然炯不同,《水绘丽人》这组作品,就是典型的化原本是自然物的场景为人物主图的作品,其与原被摄对象有着天壤之别。这些源于水中的美女,相貌、体态、着装一位不同于一位,她们的问世,或许能给大家一种神奇感与美的享受。
Works from "ZD Painting Photography" all has a sense of painting whether if it is of the image or the connotation. From some points, the photographer is portraying with the camera. If to look at a perspective of freehand photography, the style of the works are from the same family of the great photographers like Liu Bannong, Lang Jingshan, Chen Fuli, etc., but they are also different from the genius works. The objects in the experts' productions are usually kept in the picture and are more beautiful along with more sense of peotry than the original scene, additionally, the topic never changes. However, ZD Painting  Photography is different. It relys more on the dynamic water and the creator's imagination. By changing the shapes of the original objects and make them into color blocks and lines to make the picture into a new image. This group of "Water Beauty" were produced from the shades, shadows, aquatic organisms, and light from the rivers, lakes, seas, and creeks. Since the objects that are being photographed are different, in various shapes, and were taken at different time under different light exposures, every time when the botton was pressed, the photographer gets a different figure, which makes ZD Paintings unique. At the same time, it tells that this only scene will not exist again and cannot be retaken. These pieces that turned the momments into eternal by ZD Painting naturally contain a high value to collect. In my ten years of photography career, I have never seen any one of them that looks the same, even if I used burst shooting, every one of them are still unlike with each other. "Water Beauty" this group of works are the classic way of turning the nature into character pictures, where the final products are completely different from the original images. These charmers from water varied from one another by appearance, posture, and clothings, their arrival may bring everyone a sense of magic and a joy of beauty.

赵崇德的ZD画作品 Zhao Chongde's ZD Painting Photography Works
赵崇德的ZD画作品 Zhao Chongde's ZD Painting Photography Works:

昭君出塞  摄于陵水香水湾海面
Zhaojun Goes Beyond the Border (Photographed in Shuixiang Bay, Lingshui County)
西施哀乐  摄于陵水香水湾海面
Xishi's Dirge (Photographed in Shuixiang Bay, Lingshui County)
貂蝉赴约  摄于三亚大东海海面
Diaochan Showing Up (Photographed on the East Sea in Sanya)
贵妃醉酒  摄于三亚大东海海面
The Drunken Concubine (Photographed on the East Sea in Sanya)
披发少女 摄于三亚大东海海面
The Girl With Her Hair Down (Photographed on the East Sea in Sanya)
跪拜祖先  摄于三亚大东海海面
Ancestor Worship (Photographed on the East Sea in Sanya)
妇思亲 摄于三亚大东海海面
The Woman Misses Her Parents (Photographed on the East Sea in Sanya)
苔丝姑娘 摄于陵水香水湾海面
The Tess Girl (Photographed in Shuixiang Bay of Lingshui County)
断臂维纳斯  摄于陵水香水湾海岸
Armless Venus (Photographed in Shuixiang Bay of Lingshui County)
美女出浴 摄于陵水香水湾海面
The Beauty Comes Out of Bath (Photographed in Shuixiang Bay of Lingshui County)
放声歌唱 摄于西双版纳浩庄池面
Singing (Photographed at Haozhuang Pond, Xishuangbanna )
青春倩女 摄于三亚大东海海面
Teenage Girl (Photographed on the East Sea in Sanya)
蒙古姑娘 摄于陵水香水湾海面
Mongolian Girl (Photographed in Shuixiang Bay of Lingshui County)
人比黄花瘦  摄于成都府南河河面
Slimmer Than the Yellow Flower (Photographed on the Jin River, Chengdu)
乖女赏景 摄于都江堰岷江水面
Good Girl Observes the Views (Photographed on the Min River, Dujiangyan)
太阳女神 摄于三亚三亚湾海面
The Sun Goddess (Photographed at the Sanya Bay, Sanya)
美女观日  摄于陵水香水湾海面
The Beauty Watches the Sun (Photographed in Shuixiang Bay of Lingshui County)

编译:Cindy & Mary



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