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[生活资讯] 英文五押韵2、3混骈合集1


发表于 2024-11-11 09:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
i can remenber/what was pity/on that Saterday,
when did you tell a lie/but i didn't know,
it's winter/cause the coldness/without any way,
but it was not at night/when we have to go.

how can the kiss/go on tender/cause being so warm?
i love this way/as i feel alright,
this is dream/only two lovers/whos love is going on,
this must be Fate/what we can try.

you're so bright/when you walk along/the flowers garden,
can you tell me/what's your beautiful name?
you're Sunshine/altough it's so cold/in the sunny winter,
can you love me/when it's on the Saterday?

the words is so sweet/when you say/where's the flowers' road,
we're loving tender/under the Sunshine,
we're in the dream/what's a sunny day/the love can still go,
we're the happy lovers/as feeling alright.

if we can be married/as it must be tender/under the Sunshine,
let our love goes on/cause this is the Fate,
let's have a dream/as all is more sweeter/when we want to try,
we're on the love road/cause love is on the way.

how can love pay/in the happiness/as more and more tenderer?
can we go on/under this Sunshine?
this must be Fate/in our dream/when we were in the garden,
there's flowers' road/where it can guide.

i can see your tear/but you hide/when you can't hold,
i call for your name/only in my dream.
i can love you tender/cause your eyes/let me hardly go,
this is must be my Fate/in my life only.

in your heart a place/where is so bright/as only our world,
can this be tender/when we're in our Dream?
i love you in the way/when all is alright/as only our all,
can this be happier/when we're going on it.

a man can be/who's stronger/although being alone,
a man can save/what's under Sunshine,
this isn't dream/cause all lovers/they can go on,
ture love can take/how much is the pride.

it's all the same/under our Lord's Light/for we call for,
let's be tenderer/cause our Fate being.
my Lord you save/what's our wrong and lie/as days goes on,
we can remenber/what's the prayer saying.



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