
校外培训 高考 中考 择校 房产税 贸易战
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发表于 2024-11-11 12:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
i know you girl/when you're  passby,
i wanna love you/in my every dream,
you don't know/who can be alright,
but it's brand new/cause you love me.

i feel it's hotter/cause you new girl,
i think it's the Fate/so be brand new,
i wanna be closer/as you can know,
love is my Faith/cause i do love you.

you're walking in/when you come,
you're a Sunlight/as i ever know,
this is love dream/as we fall in love,
let's make it alright/my dear Angle.

love is so thirsty/as you're a Angle,
here is Sunlight/as you are here,
love isn't a dream/for we can know,
let's hardly try/when it's all hotter.

who's the beauty/as she's a Angle,
she's Sunlight/cause it's brand new,
we fall in a dream/out of we know,
she's Sunshine/for what i can feel.

you're the light/let me feel better,
you're my dream/as this is my Fate,
it's all of Sanlight/i can feel piouser,
i wanna you love me/for the Faith.

love is so pain/out of i can think,
love is tender/cause it's Sunshine,
love is my Fate/and happy dream,
i can be better/under the Sanlight.

you're the light/making me follow,
you're a dream/make me brand new,
it's all Sunlight/out of i can know,
but you love me/cause you're a Angle.

i wanna love you/as you're my dream,
i have a love hope/as you're Sunlight,
it's all brand new/when you say love me,
i wanna be Angle/follows the Sanlight.

love me like you hope/when you look in me,
let the life be brand new/for under Sunlight,
can you be my Angle/cause the love dream?
do you know my will/what's about Sunshine?



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