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个人房贷今日起执行新利率 老客户月供金额增加


发表于 2012-1-1 16:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 重庆晚报讯 你在这个月存房贷月供时,要比以前稍微多存点钱。昨日,重庆晚报记者了解到,由于央行去年多次加息,部分老房贷从今日开始执行去年最后一次加息后的基准利率,月供金额会随之增多。  这里所说的老房贷,是指央行去年7月6日宣布年内第3次加息前,已经与银行签订了个人房贷合同,并且在个人房贷合同中约定次年1月1日调整利率的个人房贷。


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发表于 2012-3-6 12:50 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2012-5-10 02:02 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2012-8-9 13:36 | 显示全部楼层

For those people who look happy (I admit I've want

There are always some people,  they look  very happy day   Boutique Paul Smith,ha ha  ,do not worry,  like a child  ,they will  say to play  is  my greatest pleasure  ,I  like to play  ,I  can play  many people  when they  face always  smile  ,a lot of people  will envy  them  ,however  this is  their most  sad  place  ,they do not  want others to see  their own  sad  side  ,more  do not have the ability to  be alone  ,when  the night time,  he does not know  what will happen in  a  person  ,sitting in the window  a bit  meditation  through  no one  read to understand  them,  thinking  they would  seemingly  happy  I  shed a  face  sorrow  ,and then  said to myself  :actually no,  destiny  !So they  all day and  forced himself to  smile,  to escape from  the  ordinary person can    bear the pain  !They  looks like a very strong  ,because  others   Chaussures Asics Pas Cher,everything they  can smile to face  ,but  the fact that they  had  the world  fragile heart  ,but  long-term  camouflage makes  it difficult to  find  their heart  trauma  .
They are  very lonely  ,though  when they  are  in  with a group of  people  talk of everything under the sun  ,that is because they  simply can  one  !They  just want to  be happy  ,live  ,hope and  everyone  to  smile  are true  ,hope  everyone  is really  love  myself  .
Even if others  little  advice  ,will  the other  they are sad  for a long time  ,they  really  mind  ,mind  not being  loved  .Because  ,they  always thinks of others  a lot  of others  than their own  ,always  good  ;put  to  like  people  well  as happiness  ,like  others  like  myself  .
They always do  ,one second before also  sad  tears  ,one second after  appearing  in front of friends  when ralph lauren pas cher,  already  was  overflowing with  bright smile  .Some people say they  are sunflowers   ed hardy pas cher,yes  ,they  care about people  is like  the sun,  in  facing the sun  is always  bright  petals  ,and the sun  shone  on the back of  the  sad  ,hiding  so well  ,do not want to be  seen  .
They want  to indulge  a free life  ,but  to who worked very hard to  live at another direction  ,very tired very tired  ,but  still  be most willing to  .From his dream more and more far  ,have to face never think of  contention and  complex  ,panic  ,be at a loss what to do  .
Only the most reliable person face  ,will unload armor  ,wronged  tears  .Because  in their hearts,  is happy smile  ,cry  just sad  ,close is like  ,from is hate  .But  in fact not  ,they  see,  heart  injury  ,did not hold back  tears  .
After crying  ,laughing  to  wipe away tears  ,said  ,never mind  ,I can do it very well  .They seem to  be equal to anything  ,always seem to  have no worries  ,what seems to  be an easy job to  solve  problems can  ,always  love  love  appears in  front of  them  ,grinning  with  smile and  face their own problems  ,but they  lost,  in the face of  their grief  ,they  can only hide  in  the often unseen corner  slowly by  the  wound  more  crack  .
Their  idea is very simple  ,that  is out of the  heart  ,stomach  will not  turn seven  or eight  small  bend  ,careless word may  cause others  .So  ,please don  hate  them juicy couture sale,  they  would never  hurt anyone  ,small error  can  make them  .
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发表于 2012-8-10 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
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